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So, What Will 2025 Bring To You?

Available Only On PlutoCraft!

A Spell To Find Love

Yesterday, on January 4-th of 2025, I read Tarot predictions for 2025. What can you expect? What is happening and what will happen? This is what I discovered for you...

Done by Master PlutoCraft - Owner And CEO of

Hello, I am Master PlutoCraft, founder of and we professionally serve people just like you, since January 4-th of 2011.


2025 is an interesting year that brings a lot of challanges lingering from 2024, and yet, it brings a lot of victories that you can definitely count on!


I want to review your problem, see how I can help you as fast as possible with genuine honesty, compassion, love, respect and integrity!


I want to learn about you, your situation, what bothers you right now and determine how I can help – so you too can experience PlutoCraft magic and miracles!


I began serving people in 2010 as a psychic and Magick practitioner, and in 2011 website was born. In addition to that, I specialize in other very powerful metaphysical disciplines which you can review here.


PlutoCraft website was born with extremely wide selection of Magick spells and services to serve people just like you from all around the World.


Being tested as a psychic in Atlanta, GA, in 2012, I received over 98.6 % psychic accuracy success rate, while average rate is just 60%.


I am not telling you this to impress you, but I am telling you all of this to impress upon you.


Allow yourself to take a little bit of your time and witness the predictions, so 2025 becomes one of the best and prosperous year for you!


Master PlutoCraftMy Genuine Message to You!


I’m sure that you face challanges right now.


Some of these challanges are very hard to solve and you may feel that you need to use completely safe Magick that’s done right to get your problems solved. You may also feel that speed and power are very important too! I get it!


When you allow me to accept your case or do a psychic reading for you, these are just few of the positive things that you can expect from me:


  • 100% honesty. No fake stories about what happened to you. I tell you only the truth that I see while performing a divination for you.


  • Blunt opinion. Again, I will be honest with you instead of telling you what you want to hear. I am a big believer in facing a reality because it’s the fastest and easiest way to solve all your problems that Magick can solve!


  • Dedicated effort. I will dedicate the necessary amount of time and effort to help you get what you want. My customers are very satisfied with me being in the constant contact and you’ll feel supported while I’m working on your case.


  • Very affordable pricing. My prices are affordable and unquestionable for the quality of work I do. Don’t take my words for it. Instead, experience PlutoCraft Magick And Psychic services yourself!


  • No extra charges. Once the price is set for an agreed work – this is what it will be.


  • Excellent customer service. I respond to inquiries in a timely manner, and with respect!


  • Getting your results is my business. That’s right! I work on your case until you report that you got your results! PlutoCraft’s mission is to keep you happy!

Now, Let Your Inner Part Experience What Great Can Happen In 2025!

And Let PlutoCraft Magick Drop Lingering Energies Of 2024 For You!

As 2025 began, you are still experiencing lingering negative energies coming from 2024.


Sure, every day problems occur every day of the year. That’s how life goes…


Yet, 2024 was reported to me as a very harsh year by so many people. And as 2025 began, I feel that things began to improve for the better! All you have to do is notice the positive!


It’s just we need to either banish all evil or clear all negativity that came from previous times.


That’s how we set the space for new luck and abundant energies to enter our lives.


You too may experience the same.


Things like loneliness, financial difficulties, unresolved love issues, lack of time, uncertainty, fears, worries, anxieties, betrayals, feeling like you’ve been taken adventage of, internal issues and so much more may be felt right now.


Don’t worry…


The card that is shown above is 5 of Swords. It represents something that you’ve been trying to do your best, you’ve been given what you could, you were doing the best you knew at the given moment – and some people did not appreciate it. In other words, it represents that you’ve been taken adventage of…


There are several lessons here: with some people, relationships can be re-established while with some people, they better be left alone.


You may ask: “What should I do?”


The answer is pretty simple:


Reflect on the situations, people, intensity of injustice, compare good VS bad done by a certain person or other people, calculate the amounts of injustice that you may feel and make solid decisions.


Ask yourself a question: do you really need that energy?


Do you really want those things to repeat over and over in 2025 or do you want your new year to be spectacular, while those who took adventage of you will face the consequences.


When it comes to Magick, there are several great advices that I can give to you:

  • Get a Protection Spell or a Blessing Spell so you are clear from negative energies, and you are protected from vampires stealing your energy and success.
  • Get a Road Opener spell to bring much better opportunities in 2025 for yourself or get Crown Of Success Spell to win with your most desired plans!
  • If you feel really hurt, you can always get Karma Spell to bind those who repeat wrongdoings unto you. It’s a very powerful form of protection to help you set your success for 2025!


On top of everything, I strongly recommend to check out Astrological Jupiter Spell to successfully counteract negativity. This is one of the best sellers on PlutoCraft when it comes to prosperity and success!


Astrological Jupiter Spell is always a great choice if you are in doubt! You can never go wrong with this spell! That’s the right choice because it’s benefits are always immense for it’s price!


That’s another reason why so many people love it and once you experience the benefits of this spell, you’ll love it too! With it, your success is right near you!

2025 Gives You New Choices With 3 Of Wands - It's Your Road Opener! What Is It That You Want?

So, 2025 came and you set New Year’s resolutions.


You’ve heard that they don’t work.


Not with PlutoCraft…


See, at PlutoCraft Magick And Tarot, we have a special spell called Road Opener, which I already mentioned above. And yet, because 3 of Wands came up in my psychic reading for 2025, I would love to mention this spell again to you.


This spell represents opening new ways and opportunities to attain your most desired goals in life. Be it financial, love, attraction, popularity, career, business or whatever you desire – this spell is a must!


Let’s say you want to tell your story and become a writer, selling your book on Amazon. And yet, you don’t even see it happening because you feel all sorts of blocks.


Those blocks are fears. And fears are illusions.


So, How Is Road Opener Spell Done For You?


First, what you need to do is make a list of what is the most important to you in your financial, love, self-imrovement and other areas of life.


After doing so, you can order a Road Opener spell and give me the list. Just tell me what you want. And then, watch the miracles manifest one by one! Of course, it needs to be reasonable.


One of the biggest problems that I faced in my Magick career is something like this: a person orders a spell to get a job and never bothers to write a resume… You get the idea…


Seriously, don’t belive to anyone who tells you that New Year’s resolutions don’t work. They perfectly work with PlutoCraft by using right Magick spells!


With 3 of Wands as your guide card for 2025, your main goal is to act fast because Universe loves speed! 3 of Wands Tarot card also represents speed!


However, Keep The Secrecy!


Put it this way: wnen you get an idea, it comes with the energy.


Have you ever noticed that when you begin to tell others about your idea, more often than not, it simply doesn’t work out? That’s because it’s losing energy that Universe gives you with an idea.


What usually happens next?


You get another idea. You do the same cycle and that idea also doesn’t work out. That’s why I strongly encourage you to keep the secrecy of the most important ideas that you have and I prefer if you protect them with Magick!


One of the strongest Rules of Magick is to keep your ideas only between you and your Magician.


The reason I am telling you all of this is because I want all spells that you get ti work out as fast as possible, as strong as possible and as best as possible for you!


And the process is very simple!


Just write a list of your ideas on the sheet of paper, get PlutoCraft Road Opener Spell, let me know your ideas and I will cast this spell on your behalf.


Keep your sheet of paper hidden and pull it later to see that your wishes got manifested! And for better and faster results, always feel free to contact me if you have any questions or need any adjustments done!


This is one of the best ways to get all your goals manifested!


You don’t even need to think how it will happen because the nature of the Road Opener Spell is to safely open special Vortexes of Infinite Intelligence, involve Higher Power and deliver you results through a path of least resistance!

That’s the power of PlutoCraft Magick!

[ultimate_heading main_heading=”2025 IS SET FOR MONEY AND PROSPERITY!”][/ultimate_heading]

One of the best predictions for 2025 is your prosperity!


Prosperity doesn’t mean just money. While many people mistaken prosperity with money, you can be assured that it’s so much more than that! You can consider money and abundance as a part of your prosperity.


The Sun Tarot Card which belongs to Major Arcana represents your prosperity for 2025 and you can definitely count on it’s power!


And if you are interested to learn Tarot cards even if you never touched a deck, you can get my eBook called Become Psychic Now!


You need to ask yourself a question:


If the energy of prosperity is available to you, how will you act? What will you do? When will you do it? Will you go with the flow? What is needed for you to finally say: that’s right!


Take a full adventage because your opportunities are endless when it comes to prosperity and well-being. Don’t doubt, don’t second-guess, don’t hesitate – act now! You won’t regret it!


What Are Some Examples Of Expanding Your Prosperity?


For example, some people change their jobs in lieu of opening a business.


Others begin selling hand-made crafts online.


Some are changing careers.


All you need to do is think and feel what is right for you.


More often than not, you will think of several things or you will feel that one particular thing feels best for you.


Whatever it is, action is the key to success!


And if you feel like you need help, you can always get a Case Diagnostic or a Simple Tarot Reading to get the best answers to all your questions.


I want you to feel assured is that Sun card is one of the most powerful cards in Tarot deck. It definitely predicts all kinds of Blessings available to you in 2025!


When it comes to doing Magick or getting a psychic reading, it also brings great news!


Magick spells will be empowered with the energies of the Sun card! Combined with PlutoCraft wisdom, experience and integrity, you can be assured that you’ll be getting the best results possible!

  • Shabib

    I try to by candle but I could not complete the order

      • Shabib

        i try but it not work
        i do not know way

  • Diamondgrin

    How long does it usually take to get a reply to an email sent to you? I only sent it yesterday, but I don’t recall seeing how much time I need to allow you to read and reply.

  • Kitsune

    Im doing a love spell by poking pins into red candle to make my crush fall for me. So is it right will it be effective or just useless…. ?

  • Kitsune

    I want to be very attractive to the opposite sex, i want every single guy fall for me….
    Any solution ?

  • Kitsune

    Btw thanks for your quick reply :) Pluto craft you are Great! ♥

  • longlocks21

    Hi I just purchased the money and Uriel oil from the magick store. I brought the arch angel Uriel oil for more creativity as I’m a music producer wanting to project more creativity in my music and I also brought the money oil to help me earn more money for bigger spells. How do I correctly use these oils?

    • Demetrius: Thank you for your order! I have notified Nancy, and she will be shipping your oils on Friday.

      There are many, many ways to use these oils. You can anoint yourself by putting a drop or two on your body. It is best to do this on appropriate chakra points. For example, the Sacral chakra to increase creativity and inspiration (this is also called the Second Chakra or the Swadhisthan, and is located in the center of your pelvic area). As you anoint, you can mentally call on Archangel Uriel for blessings in your music and creativity.

      For more money, it is traditional to anoint your wallet to symbolically send the message to the Universe to attract more money. You may also anoint your Root Chakra for abundance (below the sacrum bone) or the bottoms of your feet to express your intent to walk on the path to money.

      These oils can also be used for dressing candles as well. This means that you can use them on or in a candle you work to attract what you desire, or to receive blessings in that area of your life. Since the oils are powerfully charged for you, you have the energies you need available already, just provide your intent.

      Let me know if you have any other questions!

  • Alicia

    Just wanted to stop by and say thank you. It took time, growth, and moving on but my love came back to me of his own accord I can’t say where things will go however I’m taking all of your words into consideration and am just letting everything work itself out and am trusting the process of it all. Regardless of if we have a happy ending I’ve taken away a strong peace with the situation knowing it will work how it will and plan on ordering again very soon.

    • Dear Alicia,

      Thank you for your wonderful feedback. It’s wonderful to hear that your love has returned and, most importantly, that you have found peace.


  • gilbert

    Hi,I,m a new commer ,and I,m very much interested in knowing how the magic works.

    • Gilbert: You may wish to read our free book “After Ordering Magick” to understand how we do things here at Plutocraft.

      Also keep an eye on the Magick Store, as we will be adding products to teach magick courses!

      ~ Blessings

  • i want someone to love me and always feel to have sex with me what should i do?

    • Dear Sheriff: First, think about what you are seeking. You want someone who always wants to have sex with you – that could quickly get out of hand! Also, remember that it is normal for people to have highs and lows in their sexual relationship. It is a part of the natural flow.

      Instead you may want something more attainable, like a new relationship with love and passion. The “Find a New Love” spell is perfect for this!

  • Lillian

    Is there any option to pay later ? Cuz I don’t have this much .

    • Dear Lillian: All transactions on the site can be paid through PayPal, which has its own credit system should you wish to use it. Some people also find it helpful to pay for individual candle spells one at a time instead of all at once – it depends on the case.


  • Nena

    Hi I have many issues, love, bad luck, financial, health etc, if I get a diagnostic will you tell me what problems I have and what to do? , or do I do a diagnostic on each situation ?

    • Dear Nena: Normally one Diagnostic will look into all areas of your life, unless you have some extremely complex, deep issues that need to be dealt with separately.


  • Erin

    I’m not understanding how to set up a reading or pay for it. Can you please help me? Please email me. I’m very interested.


  • Tur

    I am trying to contact you and already send a message a few days ago but you didnt response maybe you are busy at the moment maybe my emails didnt send correctly so i thought i can send you like this a message

  • Aro

    Here is my message again

    To start with i want to make an apoligize because i made so many promises that i am going toorder magick and over and over again i didnt do it. The problem that i didnt do it because there is always something blocking me if i want to do something in this case it was ordering magick but not only this case. In many of my life areas i want to accomplish things but there is something blocking me from taking steps forward i really feel stucked and dont have ideas what to do!
    So to begin my life in a right direction i really feel i have to start here to make roads open and take chances in my life i am really ready to make huge steps forward in my life and i really want to take every chance i can get. And also everytime when i have money it is gone for bills so ordering magick would be difficult without money i guess
    But no problem i will make for this i have a job so it wouldnt be so difficult if my bills are finishes

    So I think we can start with a diagnostic??

    Let me know pluto

    Best regarda

  • Eric

    i was wondering if thier is a spell that make a wish come true i also have a pendulumn and i was wondering how i can activate its hidden powers and i want to learn how to perform majic with it sorry for my spelling.

  • Aro

    Hey plutocraft i just revieved an email from you about a spell but i am windering why you dont respond to my emails that i sended before please can you let me know something

  • Lady Masquerade

    Hi, can you help me to stop interferencs from my life ? My family never let me to achieve my goals… I want them to just not interfere in my life ever or get over concerned about it.. I want them to be happy and let me be happy as well.


  • Oratile

    Every time go talk to the Lady’s they don’t lesson to me they ignorent they always make a full and is been 5yrs no girlfriend and I mastrubate is been 3yrs been doing the hand job. Can I get help I really need help am 21yrs old. Any one wiling to help me please contact me @ (phone # removed for privacy by Administrator).

  • Amy

    I don’t want to be afraid I want to have clairvoyance to see my Spirit friends to hear them and see them clearly and have good conversations :)

  • Hey!i need to become a hybrid of vampire and werewolf can you help me?