
August, Month Of Harvest For Money Magick!

PlutoCraft Magick, Tarot And Miracles!Astrology August, Month Of Harvest For Money Magick!
Money Magick Candle Spell

August, Month Of Harvest For Money Magick!

Remember this date and time:

On August 29th, 2015 at 9:00 PM Eastern Standard Time, you will have a perfect opportunity to perform a very powerful Money Magick spell!

As planetary forces of Mercury, Saturn, Jupiter and Neptune powerfully join each other during this time, you will have a perfect opportunity to greatly benefit from it – and increase your finances with ease!

Let me give you all the details on how to do it all with ease.

But before that, let me give you a quick explanation of the power of such planets and what they can do for you.

Mercury is one of the “money planets” and it is especially powerful for anyone who uses communication to make money. Whether it is verbal communication or written, or any sort of advertising – Mercury governs it.

Career and vocation is also ruled by Mercury.

The problem is, most people are not aligned with Mercury…

But keep reading.

Saturn rules structure as one of its aspects. Anything that involves business has a direct link to Saturn.

But Saturn is also extremely beneficial for workers because it rules aspect of security. When you want job security and financial security, Saturn would be one of the planets to call on.

The bigger problem is that most people are way out of alignment with Saturn.

Jupiter is one of the best planets to call on for money. Jupiter rules expansion, inspiration and growth as some of its aspects. Very obviously, all of this applies to money. Any Money Magick is aimed at financial expansion and growth and, in most cases, it happens through inspiration.

A lot of people do have alignment issues when it comes to Jupiter and it is one of the major “money planets”.

Finally, Neptune is not considered to be the “money planet” by most Astrologers and Magick Practitioners. But I’ve found this to be very far from the truth.

That’s because Neptune itself is a planet of ultimate truth. “I see where others can’t see” is one of the mottos of Neptune.

Spiritual Healer Neptune can very well heal your finances because money itself is very spiritual.

Neptune gives an advantage to attract financial opportunities that others can’t even imagine! And it helps to attract money from unexpected sources because it has the quality to reveal what’s hidden.

Since the majority of people are stuck in scarcity and dishonesty, they are not too compatible with Neptune’s truth energies. What they summon instead is the opposite – illusions. That’s why many consider Neptune a “negative planet”. By the way, the same applies to Saturn – it is one of the most feared planets because it is associated with Karma.

So, imagine if you can use this viciously powerful planetary force to attract money and aim for lots of it!

And while you do that, you also release money Karmic blocks with Saturn, get more “YES!” responses to your requests instead of “NO” with Mercury, expand your money itself with Jupiter, and attract even more money from hidden sources with Neptune.

These are just a few minor benefits and examples you’ll be able to get out from the Money Spell I will show you below.

Overall, this is like crazy attraction of money on steroids! And since Saturn rules time while Mercury rules speed, expect fast manifestation of money!

What supplies will you need?

Here is the list:

  • Florida Water
  • Green cloth for your altar table
  • Dropper pipette
  • One 7-day green jar candle
  • Mercury oil
  • Saturn oil
  • Jupiter oil
  • Neptune or Pisces oil
  • Red Clover herb (any kind will work)
  • Mullein herb
  • Hyssop
  • Melissa herb (also known as Lemon Balm)
  • Salt
  • Black permanent marker and
  • Matches or lighter

Plutocraft Money Magick Planets

Here is how to do this money spell:

  • On August 29th, 2015, at about 8:45 PM Eastern Standard Time, prepare all the supplies. You will be performing an actual spell some time after 9:00 PM, so you need a few minutes to get ready.
  • Wipe your altar table and green candle with Florida Water to remove any unwanted energies.
  • Put green cloth on your altar table and sprinkle some Florida Water on it.
  • Take 3 drops from each oil that you prepared and put them into your 7 day jar candle using dropper pipette. Make sure you clean the pipette after each oil. To clean the pipette, use water or your Florida Water.
  • Take a little bit of each herb and put it in the candle. Do not overfill your candle with herbs. You can always crush the herbs if you want to.
  • Take a permanent marker and write your name and date of birth on the candle.
  • Right below it, write the words “An it harm none, do what ye will”. You are writing this statement with the intent not to harm anyone with your spell, including yourself. You do it because you never know how the energies may work, and one of the last things you need is money showing up because you or someone got harmed. “An it harm none, do what ye will” is a Wiccan Rede statement that is known to serve such protection. No, you don’t have to be Wiccan to use it.
  • Below it, write your intent: “Attract money from expected and unexpected sources”.
  • Below this statement, write the names of the planets in order. You can make this order from top to bottom or from the left side to the right side. If you choose from left to right, it will sort of be forming a circle. Planets are: Mercury, Saturn, Jupiter, Neptune. You can also draw symbols for these planets instead of writing names.
  • After you write the planets, one more time, write the statement: “Attract money from expected and unexpected sources”, but this time – add your name to it. For example, it would look like this: “Attract money from expected and unexpected sources to Jim Dillon”.
  • Below it, write the words “Perfect harmony and balance”. You are writing these words to put yourself in alignment with the planets and money energies in general.
  • After you wrote that, it is now time to “symbolize” your candle with money signs. The most common money symbol is a dollar sign: $. So, starting from left to write, you write these money symbols until you form a circle of money symbols on your candle.
  • After you do that, draw a pentagram on your candle which symbolizes balance and protection.
  • Let the marker writings dry on your candle for a couple of minutes so they don’t smudge.
  • After that, take your candle in your hands and visualize (or imagine) that you get money. You don’t have to know where it comes from and how much. Just imagine that you have a lot of money. Do it until you feel the end result of it. Usually, it will be a happy feeling.
  • If for some reason you start to imagine some negative things, like some money blocks or hardships to get the money, imagine that this very same spell will take care of them. You don’t know how, you don’t know when, but you feel perfectly comfortable, because you imagine how this very same spell will take care of your money problems.
  • Get your imagination going while holding your candle until you feel that it is enough. Or until you feel happy.
  • Put your money candle on the altar and form a circle of salt around it. This is done to remove any unwanted energies while it burns.
  • Light the candle and for one more time, imagine how you have a lot of money! Imagine that your money obstacles are going away and you have money!


Here is how you take care of your money spell after you’ve lit the candle:

  • Now you need to watch how your candle burns. Since it is a 7-day candle, it may take a few days before it is fully going. You need to watch for two things: flame and clarity of the glass.
  • It is also very important to daily “feed” your candle with oils as it burns.
  • If the flame goes weak and your candle is burning slow, which can often happen at any point, you add a drop of Jupiter oil to it daily. Flame that is around 5 millimeters is considered to be weak. If it happens on the first day after you light your money spell candle, it is ok. But if it continues to be like that after the first day, it means your candle is going weak. This may indicate that you can expect your results but with possible delays. If your candle goes weak all the time, you may want to consult a skilled Magician.
  • If your flame goes well, 5 mm or above, usually at over 1 cm, then your candle is burning very well. In that case, you add 3 drops of Jupiter oil to it daily until your candle is done.
  • But you also want to watch for the clarity of glass. Obviously, it is perfectly normal if the glass isn’t completely clear at the places where your candle burns. But if it starts getting dark and smoky, then this indicates possible obstacles. In this case, you start to feed your candle with 3 drops of Saturn oil instead of Jupiter with the intent to remove obstacles. If your candle goes dark and flame is weak, add just 1 drop of Saturn oil to it daily. Consult a skilled Magician if it happens.
  • What if your flame goes very high (over 2 cm) and your 7-day candle burns quick? This indicates that you are on the very right path and putting the energy where it was lacking. In other words, your money energy was depleted and you are filling that vacuum. This also means that you may want to do other money spells after you finish with this one. You may also want to add 7 drops of Jupiter oil to it daily, instead of 3.
  • What if the flame is high and your candle turns dark? This means that your money energy was depleted and there are obstacles present as well. In this case, add 7 drops of Jupiter oil to it daily. Jupiter also has uncrossing capabilities. But consult a skilled Magician if it happens.
  • Now, what if your candle goes very dark? Maybe even charcoal black at times? This means that there are major obstacles present and you may want to consult a skilled Magician as soon as possible.
  • What if your candle got shut down right in the beginning or during the process before it burnt well? This usually means that there are major obstacles present and you may be lacking power at this moment to work around them. Consult a Magician as soon as possible. You may try to re-light the candle again to see what happens, but you may need to uncross the situation as well.

Here is the bottom line: if you feel that something is wrong, especially if your candle indicates some darkness in the glass and the flame is weak, then consult with a reputable Magician as soon as you can. When you do Magick, you may become extra sensitive to certain vibrations and that feeling of “wrong” should not be taken lightly.

But if everything goes fine – great! Expect money and miracles!

Here is a note to some of the “lottery dreamers”. While at PlutoCraft, we helped people to gain millions, we strongly caution you against the hopes of doing this spell for the sole purpose of lotto wins. Even if it does increase your chances by 1000 times, you may still be not nearly close to winning that big lotto prize. The last time I checked, the chance to win that big lotto is 1 in 175 million.

In the real World, it is just unrealistic.

If you want to become rich, you may want to get yourself a Diagnostic to see how you can do it.

Performing spells for the sole purpose of getting filthy rich quickly and miraculously without doing much is a great way to get disappointment.

But people who are realistic gain tremendous benefits from our money spells.

Here are examples of realistic approaches that we performed:

  • Realtors are able to sell houses much faster and easier.
  • Investors acquire millions.
  • Business owners gain fresh new clients without spending much money on advertising.
  • Some business owners get a lot of clients without spending anything on advertising.
  • People get new jobs, promotions, better careers.
  • Attraction of money from unexpected sources.
  • We also helped to stop major financial losses, which leads to money savings.
  • One of my interesting cases: I “reworked” two apartment complexes with Magick and turned them from completely failing businesses to profitable ones in just under three months. Imagine having two nearly half-empty complexes with major repairs turn into two complexes which are filled – and still have a line of applicants coming in! On top of that, mysteriously, major repairs vanished like they had never even been there.
  • I also helped a car business to move their inventory quickly.
  • Many kinds of web projects were worked with Magick — and very successfully.

Money Attraction

What is your idea?

See, if you have an idea you want to pursue – let us know! Our diagnostics combined with Money Magick proved to work miracles over and over. As soon as you don’t have any bizarre requests for a “million dollars from the lottery by tomorrow”, almost always – we can do it!

And remember – when it comes to acquiring wealth with Money Magick, you have to take action. Doing spells while lying on the couch hoping that wealth will come is not a bright idea. But even then, money from unexpected sources can still come.

Remember that August 29th, 2015 at 9:00 PM Eastern Standard Time is a great time to do your Money Spell.

If you want PlutoCraft to do this particular money spell for you, or if you want us to do another spell for you – just let us know!

If you own a business or plan to have one, let us know your goals and we can let you know how we can help!

Got an idea? We can make it happen!

– Master PlutoCraft

P.S. If you’re looking for more Money Candle Spells, there is a wide variety to be found in the Magick Shop.

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