Feast Day of the Archangels
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Today is The Feast of the Archangels, also known as the Feast of St. Michael or Michaelmas.
I’ve chosen to include the four archangels on this day, as they are all equally important in the aid and protection of humanity.
Archangel St. Michael is known as the Prince of Archangels, which is likely why his name is central to this feast day. His name means “who is like God”. He is the protector. He defends us against evil and is said to have slain Lucifer on this day.
“In the fifth century a basilica near Rome was dedicated in honour of Michael on 30 September, beginning with celebrations on the eve of that day, and 29 September is now kept in honour of Michael and all Angels throughout the western Church.” (Wikipedia; Michaelmas)
Two interesting traditions for St. Michael’s Feast Day include a flower and a goose. The Michaelmas daisy is named for St. Michael, because the pale flower can still be seen on this Autumn day, hence the rhyme:
“The Michaelmas Daisies, among dede weeds,
Bloom for St Michael’s valorous deeds.
And seems the last of flowers that stood,
Till the feast of St. Simon and St. Jude.”
The goose was to be sacrificed and eaten on this day (and the month of September) for prosperity and money throughout the year. Each part of the bird was made use of, from the grease to the feathers. (Source: Michaelmas Traditions by Rob Taylor). For those who prefer a vegetarian diet, apples were also harvested on this day.
This was also a time for hiring fairs, gaining employment and settling debts. It’s a good time to wrap up your major money magick for the year.
Archangel Raphael> is the healer and his name translates as “God heals”. He is the patron of the blind, nurses, doctors, and sailors (as he is linked with protection and healing waters alike).
Archangel Gabriel is the messenger and aids in all forms of communication, particularly with the Divine. His name means “God is my champion”.
Archangel Uriel, “God is my light”, is the light in the darkness. He helps you to find the answers you are seeking through Divine wisdom. In Jewish mysticism he is known as both the Angel of Sunday and the Angel of Poetry.
In honor of this day, we have discounted the powerful Archangel St. Michael Fiery Wall of Protection candle spell until the Feast Day of Saint Jude (October 28th). If you wish, this spell may also be performed in the name of all four Archangels at no extra charge.
Together these angels can be called upon for any need, great or small, together or individually. May they bless you this day and throughout the year.
Protection Prayer to the Archangels
May the angel Michael be at my right,
and the angel Gabriel be at my left;
and in front of me the angel Uriel,
and behind me the angel Raphael…
and above my head the Shekhinah [“the presence of God”].
—From the Kriat Shma, prayer recited before bed.
Protection Prayer to St. Michael
Saint Michael, the Archangel, defend us in battle;
be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil.
May God rebuke him, we humbly pray, and do thou,
O prince of the heavenly host, by the power of God, thrust into Hell,
Satan and all the other evil spirits, who prowl throughout the world,
seeking the ruin of souls.