Magick And Logic Myth Exposed
Magick And Logic
I will begin right away and get down to the point about Magick and logic: many Wiccan, Pagan and other communities treat Magick as Spiritual and “Spiritual only”.
That’s a huge mistake when it comes to Magick. Take a look yourself why:
Feeling bad? “Of, it’s a curse”.
Lack of money? “You need money ritual”
Ex left? “Put a love spell on her/him”
Like someone but they don’t like you back? “Do Love Magick”
Can’t make a decision? “Do a psychic reading”
Someone called you out? “Put a curse on them”
He/she is more successful? “Jinx them!
And then comes the major complaint: WHY IS IT 99% OF SPELLS DO NOT WORK?
The answer is this: because Magick and Logic work together but they are not used together.
Too many just do not understand it and even deny it.
Let’s do a comparison.
Here is how PlutoCraft works when it comes to Magick:
Feeling bad? “Let’s look at what’s going on. Where is the problem? Have you been to the doctor? No? Why? Because someone said it is a curse? Let’s find out if it is or isn’t”.
Lack of money? “You may need money spell. But money will not fall from the sky. You need a strategy and “money vehicle” to get the money. “Money vehicle” means the SOURCE through which money comes in. It can be a better job, small business, Internet website, flea market sales – whatever that gives you an ability to get money SAFELY!!! Keep this in mind: SAFELY!!! You do NOT want unsafe money.”
Ex left? “No problems! Let’s do a CASE DIAGNOSTIC and find out what’s going on. Then, let’s build a strategy to reconcile you! Be careful with spells – one wrong spell and your ex can hate you forever. Not joke. Guidance will be given. Follow it.”
Like someone but they don’t like you back? “Again. Let’s do CASE DIAGNOSTIC and see what’s going on. Are you incompatible? If yes, which area? Let’s use Astrological Magick to remove incompatibility or maybe just an Uncrossing candle will do it. Guidance will be given. Follow it. ”
Can’t make a decision? “Do a psychic reading. But have precise questions if you want precise answers. Question like “What should I do to have all I want? is NOT a precise question. Question like: “How exactly can I make more money?” is a precise question. Also, during the reading, we pick u a lot of extra information that is RELEVANT to your question (even if it doesn’t seem so) – listen to that information carefully because you are getting FULL PICTURE ANSWER!”
Someone called you out? “DON’T put a curse on them. They called you out? Maybe you DO need to take deep look inside and see if, maybe, they are actually correct? And if so, maybe you can have that “call out” as the best guidance to make a huge improvement??? Why curse a person who is doing you a favor???”
He/she is more successful? “Make friends with them! At least, try! Did you know that statistics say that you are somewhere in the middle of 10 people you socialize with? And if you want to have what they have – let us know!!! We can help and you can have MORE AND MUCH EASIER!!!”
Did you spot a MAJOR difference here
At PlutoCraft, we use LOGIC
And to be more exact, we build a SUCCESSFUL STRATEGY
Again, let’s take money Magick scenario
Which will work better:
- A spell cast for Joe who lays on the couch watching TV, not looking for jobs? What does Joe think? That spell will make employers line up in the front of the door, getting on the kneed and begging him to work for them? No. That’s not going to happen unless Joe is super-demanded worker who does not even need a spell. Or…
- A Crown of Success spell cast for Amy who just graduated and looking for a job. Crown of Success can easily make Amy pick up the right newspaper with the right ad, feel intuitively which one to call, have the interview and get hired on the spot – and employer will not even know why he hired Amy! She is not the best candidate, did not finish best school, has overload of competition – yet, she “stands out”!
What did Amy do VS Joe when it comes to Magick?
Amy used logic and strategy.
But what else did you notice, if you did when it comes to Amy’s Magick?
At least, 90% of the effort was eliminated for Amy.
Because Higher Power did the work FOR her – and guided her immensely! All she had to do is listen to her inner voice and do the typical stuff: calling, applying and showing up for the interview.
Now think about something:
Knowing that:
- About 90% of your efforts are eliminated and Higher Power is behind your back!
- You are working with recognized, World-Class Magick Specialists
- You are being guided
- You get RIGHT spells done that help you, instead of wrong spells that dig your hole even deeper (and very fast!!!)
- That we can always try to speed things up with our SPEED MAGICK, using Mercury Candle
- If you have a big goal, it is within your reach because Magick creates miracles. That’s what it is known for to begin with!
- That what you call a “problem” now becomes a “temporary challenge”
- That once you get what you want, you can always have more!
- And very importantly, that you work with SMART Magicians who use LOGIC AND STRATEGY instead of shooting counter-productive spells.
- Master Plutocraft worked with Spirits during young age, read cards during early childhood and amazed adults with her accuracy. She is a top of the line Magician and extremely wise person on top of that.
- Personally, I am a college graduate, attended one of the top Business Schools in America, and lost count of how many certificates and reference letters I have… I am NOT some guy who is “doing craft”, using his clouded judgment and lack of experience.
Oh, and let’s touch on that topic too: LIFE EXPERIENCE?
Who do you think will do a better job for you?
An anti-social “only Spiritual” guy who has a problem getting a date or a guy who has very rich experience in all sorts of areas of life (including sex), who knows how to seduce a woman just logically? I’m not even talking about Magick here… That’s on Love Magick.
A guy who has some GED or someone who finished a Degree and knows business, when it comes to money Magick? A guy who has a proven record of business success, or a guy who just claims he can cast a spell?
What about protection? Would you choose some Wiccan who reads books from bookstores on “how to cast protection spells” or a woman who has no problems going into the Underworld, rewriting contracts with Spirits and able to work with Karma and Past Lives? Most Wiccans are terrified of this idea alone.
Please note I am not bashing anyone, yet facts are the facts. I still would love to meet at least one Wiccan who can do at least 20% of what we can do.
They are actually our customers and we put them on the right path, using logic and strategy. It is a tough process for most because they are very used to “it’s a curse” and “put a spell” approaches.
Do you now see how Magick and Logic are best friends when it comes to getting results?
Why is that?
Let me explain you why.
You have conscious, logical mind. And you have subconscious, “metaphysical” or “Spiritual only” mind, if you will… Even though, subconscious mind has it’s own logic…
So, here is a BIG MAGICK SECRET:
Desired manifestation happens if and only if BOTH minds agree on it.
If you ever had basic Logic 101 class, you know what “if and only if” means.
Basically, there are no “ifs, buts, ands and what’s” there.
It is “if and only if” both minds agree.
Do you now see why if you want to return your ex lover or make more money it may not work?
Your subconscious mind may block your conscious mind’s desire.
And the harder you try, the deeper hole you dig.
The secret is not trying hard.
The secret is to work SMART!
Think of it this way. Let’s assume your car doesn’t start. You take it to a mechanic.
What happens if mechanic replaces a door, car seat and tires?
If will still not start. But you will have to pay for it.
What is mechanic replaces a starter?
It may still not start. And you have to pay for it.
What if mechanic replaces a battery?
It may still not start. And you have to pay for it.
But what if mechanic plugs in his diagnostic tool (just like we do Case Diagnostics) and finds out that your car has ignition module issue – and that $15.00 part needs to be replaced?
He replaces that and the car starts!
That’s a difference between using logic and going “Spiritual only”.
Except, with the car, you lose money and get new parts. But with Magick, counter-productive spells create severe damage.
So, the MYTH of Magick is not logical is a MYTH!
Do you have a goal?
I’m sure you do.
What is it?
Make more money?
Bring your ex lover back?
Make that special someone to fall in love with you?
Protect yourself from all sorts of evil?
Maybe all of that???
CONTACT US NOW and let us know!
Our consultations are FREE and we can build a strategy for you!
Some people ask if there are obligations for our free consultations.
NO! Never!
Our mission is to help you!
And our slogan is, as you know it – “Transforming Dark Energies Into Light”
If you would only know how much easier Magick makes things happen!
Write us a message and we will go from there! With the Magick, logic and strategy!