
Magick Services

Magick SPELLS AND Services From PlutoCraft –
Performed Especially For You

Do you need Magick spells or services? If your answer is YES!, then…

PlutoCraft performs seriously powerful ritual magick services
for all different situations and circumstances!

Take a close look!

Love Magick – Targeted love spells, return to an ex, repair a relationship, attract a new love – we cover it all with dedicated ritual magick!

Sex Magick – Increase sexual energies, attract sexual partners and experiences, enhance your confidence and sex appeal.

Money Magick – Attract money, get a promotion, increase business success energies, flirt with lady luck, and more.

Protection – Defend against enemies, protect against harm, reverse spells, and deep uncrossing of negative energies.

Remote InfluenceNew! Utilize remote influence and remote viewing to receive the answers you’re looking for and influence situations to your advantage.

Mind Magick – Get what you want in life using only your mind with my simple and straightforward protocol!

Exorcism – Remove spirit attachments, demons, and all other harmful entities at any distance.

Astrological Magick – Candle magick designed to support and strengthen the weaker aspects of your astrological report that affect your relationships and personal life.

Custom Spells – Need magick we haven’t mentioned anywhere else? We’re more than happy to put together a custom ritual or spell for you.

If you wish to open a case with us, you want to begin by ordering a Case Diagnostic Report.
Remember: divination is always the first step in creating an effective plan for magick.

If you have any questions please Contact PlutoCraft for a free consultation.

We are glad to help you choose just the right magick for you!

Online Magick Services

  • Dee

    I have an obsessively jealous person bent on destroying me- I know for a fact that she has used my hair in spells against me. i moved on and away from this person and live 300 miles from where she lived. One day I looked out my window and she was walking with a neighbor. So, yeah this is not okay. Someone matching her description was seen throwing dirt on my door step -graveyard dirt I suppose- I have many protection on me and my home, but this person has layed so much on me and I want it gone. Have not spoken to her in 15 years since why won’t she leave me alone. What do I need to get this person and her pathetic obsessive enrgy away from me. Help!

  • Chris

    I have a situation that I would like help with. I have this woman that I like and we talk and text but not all the time. She play alot of games a lot, she would kiss me and hug me all the time and when I asked her out to lunch or dinner she would say yea but when the day comes up she would have a excuse and say she wants to be friends. I was so mad I stopped talking to her for two months. Then I had dreams of her two nights in a row and she told me she loves me in my dream so I got the nerve to talk to her again and she is kissing me and hugging me you guys have a sex spell you can do for me.

  • Raul

    I’m seeking to be with a young girl I’ve known over a year, can I contact you for help?

    • Yes, you may contact us using our contact form. Keep in mind that you and the other person must be at least 18 years of age.