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PlutoCraft MagickMercury Spell for MAGICK SPEED!!!

Mercury Spell for MAGICK SPEED!!!


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This Mercury Spell is a secret PlutoCraft spell, especially designed for adding extra speed to the Magick work.

Mercury is a planet of mentality, communication and speed.

With right ingredients, supplies, secret seals and intent, this spell acts as a catalyst for Magick and speeds up the results through mentality, communicating energies towards the target and/or goal and puts your magical request as a priority to the Universe.

It is done with 100% safety to ALL and everyone involved!

While it may or may not deliver miracles overnight, it greatly speeds up the outcome and delivers it in a speedy manner whenever it is safe and possible.

This Mercury Spell for speed is also used when you need to achieve all sorts of goals in your life faster. Do not be surprised when you find out that things begin to move quicker after ordering PlutoCraft’s Mercury Spell for speed!

PlutoCraft Mercury Spell for speed is performed with a 7-day Mercury candle, special herbs, oils and seals. Usually, cast on the following Wednesday (day of Mercury) after you order this spell.


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