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PlutoCraft Magick, Tarot And Miracles!Ace Of Wands Wish Miracle Resolution Candle Spell

Ace Of Wands Wish Miracle Resolution Candle Spell

Original price was: $499.00.Current price is: $399.00.



This candle was designed with Divine Inspiration on the Christmas right before the New Year.

And here is the deal:

Many people have New Year Resolutions , but in about 3 days they forget about them…

What to do? Why is this happening?

Truth # 1: Well, let’s face it: busy life sucks you in and whatever you planned – you forgot…

Truth # 2: It is not easy to achieve these wishes and resolutions. It requires efforts.

And Truth # 3: There are people in your life who do not believe you will succeed, or do not want you to succeed, so they send out negative subconscious energy that invisibly blocks your wishes and desires.

(I personally don’t care about those 3. My case was different, I decided to go for “impossible”).

So, what do you do?

Let me share a little known yet immensely powerful Magick secret with you: In order to bust blocks, the Tarot power of Ace of Wands is used.

Ace of Wants is responsible for new beginnings as well as aiding and protecting these new beginnings.

In other words, it works like a Road Opener with Protection combined.

There are much more benefits of Ace of Wands candle, such as:

  • Increased sexuality and increased sexual appearance
  • Money increase
  • Things start getting done your way
  • Supreme aid from the Universe
  • Forces start working for you rather than against you
  • Blocking negative projections

So, if you have New Year goals or resolutions, or you have them at ANY time of the year and you need supreme power to help you – Ace of Wands Wish Miracles candle is for you.

Here is a little catch in order for this candle to work great:

  • Make 3 wishes or less
  • Do not tell anyone until your wishes are granted
  • Be patient because there is a reason why you don’t have your wishes – you have blocks – and Universe will be working very hard to remove these blocks. It takes some time.

But since this candle is charged with extremely powerful energy, you may also get your wishes nearly instantaneously.

You may have a question: what if I have more than 3 wishes?

My honest reply would be to get more of these candles then.

We can include more wishes, but then it starts to weaken the power.

Listen to your heart and determine what YOU want most.

You can order this candle for yourself or for someone else as a present.

The choice is yours!

One more thing: Ace of Wands is one of the greatest procrastination beaters.

Speaking of that – don’t procrastinate. Order your Ace of Wands Wish Miracle Resolution candle NOW!

Let’s face the truth: the longer you wait, the more you procrastinate (due to fear and doubt) – the longer it will take you to get your wishes. If you will even get them.

Let magic and miracles of unlimited powers of the Universe help you or more often than not – simply deliver your wishes!

As a New Year Present for you, we give you $100.00 off this supreme power spell – so your resolutions come into a tangible reality!


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