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    • shan

      when using lovespells does it go against a person free will
      for example if you wanted to target a specific person or dies it just implant ideas in there mind.
      also the sex spells how far can you go with this
      if you wanted a multidude of sex partners for the next few years could you do this.

      • Dear Shan: We do not work against a person’s free will when performing love magick or sex magick. In a sense, we influence people by working with the spark that already exists (however small) or by attracting the correct partner into one’s life. Quite often in targeted love work, removing negative energies (Uncrossing), difficult obstacles (Road Opening), or some form of healing is the first step in order to begin bringing two people together. This clears the path for love energies to enter when a situation is complex or difficult.

        Multiple sex partners is possible. It depends on the individual and their specific situation. For those ready to dive in, we’re happy to provide the sexual attraction energies for bringing those partners into their life. If the person is not ready, and requires time to heal, grow, or gain confidence before successfully accepting sexual partners, then that should be cleared up first for best results.

        Feel free to contact us directly for more details according to your situation!


    • Sharyl

      Thanks vry interesting blog!

    • Alisa

      Hi can you please contact me I need a love spell thank you

    • pearline

      I need some thing about love to make my love stronger keep my mam from seeing some one he love to do that I love I want him for myself

    • fae

      I am looking for a lady named Nancy for help I need an uncrossing done removal of negative energy around. Me and the divine protection

      • Dear Fae: I will forward your message to Nancy. Please contact me through the form so that I can relay any future messages you have for her.

    • Nena

      Also once we purchase the remote influence. What do you need from us if its a get an ex back reconciliation. Thank you

      • Dear Nena: Normally the information requested for a Remote Influence session is a name, date of birth, and picture for each person involved. These are used to better connect to each person for the viewing.


    • jay

      Want to have sex with any girl I want to have